Liturgical ministers contribute to the richness and beauty of our Masses at Saint Peter Claver.
Altar servers assist the priest and deacon, and they are integral to the celebration of the Mass. We invite all girls and boys who have made their First Communion and are in the third grade or older, to join this ministry.
It is through the Eucharist that we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have the privilege of bringing the Eucharist to the congregation. Three months schedules are sent to the ministers. Ministers gather at least once a year to share and to update procedural changes.
God speaks directly to us through the Sacred Scriptures and at Mass, we hear Him through the lectors and commentators. Lectors and commentators gather approximately once a year to enrich themselves in scripture and update any procedural changes. We send out the weekly lectors schedule, and we also publish the schedule in the church bulletin.
With our diverse and growing community here at Saint Peter Claver, the ushers play a vital role as they welcome parishioners and guests to celebrate the Mass. We send out weekly usher schedules.
If you would like to get involved in the Liturgical Ministry, please reach out to Phyllis Chism at [email protected]